The Nature Basket: 5 Days of Nature Collecting, Toddler Style

When my daughter turned one she received countless purses, baskets, and other types of portable containers. Apparently many in my family believe toddlers like to collect things and carry them around. Though my daughter has not become as avid a collector-and-carrier as my family expected, one little basket in particular has become a favorite item for the both of us.

The "Nature Basket" as I like to call it, or "buggit" as my daughter refers to it has become a very simple, yet elegant, way for us to incorporate a little nature appreciation into our outings together. Every day this week, we will bring the Nature Basket when we go outdoors. I will report back on the types of things that were collected and the experiences that were formed in the process.

The Nature Basket has only a few rules:

1.  Anything coming home must fit into the basket

2. Collected objects must be found on the ground and can no longer be living

3. Collected objects must be nature-made

4. Collection of any particular object must be her idea, not mine 

Let the fun begin!