For many reasons, today's children are spending less time outdoors and fewer hours interacting with nature.

For many reasons, today's children are spending less time outdoors and fewer hours interacting with nature.

What is nature play?

Nature play is any child-initiated and child-directed play that incorporates nature and natural materials. It can happen outside or inside.

  • Outside, nature play occurs in any natural space: an overgrown field, a patch of wood chips, even the "unmaintained" space at your local playground.
  • Inside, nature play happens by bringing the outside in. Shells, rocks, leaves, and pinecones make amazing and inexpensive additions to any play space. 

What makes nature play unique and important for children?

  • Playing outside makes kids healthier.

    • Nature play has been linked to higher motivation for and engagement in physical activity because children have more options for play; they aren't limited to the slide or the swing set.
  • Interacting with nature makes kids smarter.

    • The more children experience with their senses, the more knowledge they gain. Nature provides countless opportunities for children to fully experience their senses, allowing their brains to grow.

    • Increased attention, problem solving, and creativity have been shown to occur more frequently in outdoor environments.

  • Spending time in nature helps kids find emotional balance.

    • Many aspects of emotional well-being can be improved through free play in nature.

  • Positive experiences with nature help kids connect to their environment.

    • The more opportunities children have to form a positive attitude about the natural world, the more likely they are to care for the earth as they get older.

WilderWonder Nature Play seeks to empower caregivers of young children, whether in a formal or informal setting, with ideas and resources to facilitate connections between ourselves and our environment by promoting nature-play opportunities for our children. For more information about this project, and the services provided please contact